Meet Karen Ann

your certified coach

Where it all began

My story in health & well-being began over 35 years ago. In my early 20s my passion was to be healthy & active. I always had a good relationship with food which is very important in maintaining health and wellness. Having travelled and worked for a year in my 20s I returned to our family hotel, which had its benefits and challenges. The hours were long and demanding but when I look back I realise I was always consistent and disciplined in my daily habits.

The habits and choices I made have had a lasting benefit which I still feel today

I worked out in the gym five times a week and always enjoyed real food.

Finding My Passion

It was in my early 30s I knew I wasn’t truly content. So I thought about what I loved, what lit me up, what was I passionate about. Nutrition and health. I signed up for my first of many courses in Nutrition. In 1999 I did a diploma in dietetics, followed by a certified in positive psychology. I continued running the family hotel with my brother and sister until 2014, when ultimately the business closed due to the down turn in the economy.

Finding Clarity

I packed up my life at 50 and went to Florence for a year to get some clarity and decide what to do next with my life. I was totally out of my comfort zone with no Italian, no job, no friends and living in a new country. I was consistent and disciplined and had joined a gym before I got a job. I ate like an Italian, eating real nutritious food, supplying vitamins and minerals to by body and mind. I could see the positive impact it had and knew then that I wanted to share how I felt and help people realise how food, movement, sleep, and how you think has a huge impact on our overall health.

Furthering my Education

I returned to Ireland and completed a certificate in Health Coaching with the Institute for Integrated Nutrition. In that time I wrote a book for children which sold on Amazon, “I can eat a rainbow”. I continued to gather moss in the health and well-being area when I took off to Thailand and trained to become a yoga teacher. Finally, I did an advanced diploma in Nutrition and health coaching with the IIN.  In 2020 I expanded my knowledge and became an instructor in Buteyko breathing and Oxygen advantage for yoga Instructor. 

My Mission

My mission is to help people become the best version of themselves, and become the architect of their own health. There are many areas to look at which are all interlinked into overall well-being.

Love what I do

For the past six years I have been teaching yoga for corporate companies, along with private and group classes.

As a nutrition and health coach, I have helped guide and inspire my clients to reach their health goals, whether it is better sleep, boosting energy, losing weight, ease digestion problems, manage stress and learning the true benefits of eating real food.

As a Buteyko Brething instructor I have helped my clients with asthma, sinus problems, sleep issues, feelings of anxiety and stress, helping them to stop worrying and quiten their mind. 

I am here to help you improve your health so why not book your discovery call. It could change your life.


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