20 Reasons To Enroll & Add Yoga To Your Life

I love there are some many benefits to adding yoga to your life


  • Yoga brings peace to your life
  • Yoga strengthens your core and tones your muscles
  • Yoga helps you manage stress, keeps you calm and focused
  • Yoga helps stretch creaky tight muscles
  • Yoga alleviates chronic neck, shoulder and back pain
  • Yoga shows you who you really are
  • Yoga helps you become healthier
  • Yoga lowers heart rate and stress levels
  • Yoga helps loose weight and maintain it
  • Yoga lengthens the spine
  • Yoga helps ease the pain of arthritis
  • Yoga can be modified to fit peoples needs
  • Yoga is not a fad – it has stood the test of time
  • Yoga contains the truth – breath comes first
  • Yoga helps you get through heartbreak
  • Yoga brings balance to your life
  • Yoga is not a competition, its working with your own body
  • Yoga softens your face
  • Yoga helps your bones sit together right
  • Yoga helps clear your mind. live in the present, go with the flow of life and sleep peacefully.

Classes resume on Monday the 9th of January.                                                                                                                                 Monday at 9.30 & 7pm                                                                                                                                                       Wednesday at 9.30 & 7pm                                                                                                                                                                     Saturday at 10am

Look forward to welcoming you all at Twin Trees leisure club:)


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